It has been a weekend of me doing too much. I already explained Saturday. Today I wanted to go to the farmer's market and had planned on Kelly picking me up so I could take my meds. Well, instead we met there, so I tried just going with my crutch and no meds. That didn't last. I had a meeting to attend from 2-6, so Kelly dropped me off there and took my car home. One of my Con team-mates took me home after dinner. Now I'm home, drugged, feeling zoned but not sleepy. Arg. I'm already planning on working a short day tomorrow anyway, so I'm not going to stress it too much. I can move more than I could on Thursday, but it gets achy pretty quick.
So, I'm trying to enjoy the fact that my futon is as comfortable as I remember it being in the store. I boughts sheets and pillows for it, so I have a functional guest space should anyone ever wanna come hang at Chez Suzi.
I'm also getting involved in the volunteering side of a very small Con that is in a couple of weeks. This is a baby Con compared to DCC. Mostly fan run panels, some guest artists, fairies, and blanket forts. My lead volunteer person was my assistant director at DCC, so it is incestuous Con family time. After today's meeting, the three of us from DCC went out to dinner, played Munchkin, and talked about both Cons.