The racquetballs are great starter balls, imo. I give them out to my clients sometimes as self massage tools when I can buy them in bulk. You might graduate past them pretty quickly because they aren't super duper firm, but they are firm enough that if the tissues are a mess or just super sensitive they can be excellent tools. They're also a pretty great size - bigger than a golf ball, but smaller than other balls, so they can get into the shoulder blade area or work up at the base of the skull but can also help with detailed work at hips or low back.
I also like them because I have some clients that just sit on the tennis balls for long periods of time and that is terrible for the tissues - whereas if they do that with a racquetball then it's harder to have accidental compression injuries.
Thanks d. Right now I'm in the loopy zone. I did some of the piriformis stretches I know but it doesn't seem to help, which is so frustrating. I got my referral but the first available PT appt is next Tuesday. I can't brain on these drugs and I can't move without them. The next few days are going to be interesting.
Ugh. I am so frustrated. The ADAPT protest in Columbus last week, where all those people got arrested and police conduct at the very least bordered on brutality: a Columbus news station has an article up now where they say that one protester admitted she was faking a disability, because she thought it would get sympathy from the cops. Also, she's trans, and they dead-named her.
The actual story: She does not have a physical disability. She is 19 years old, and has an intellectual disability, which she told the reporter. ADAPT had a spare manual wheelchair at the protest, in case anyone who didn't normally need one needed it after standing for so long. Someone asked her to sit in it, so it wouldn't get stolen. The reporter was calling everyone listed on the arrest records, and everyone else told him to contact the ADAPT media people for any statements. She didn't know or didn't understand that she was supposed to do that, and she thought she had to answer the reporter's questions, so she gave the best answers she could come up with. This reporter KNEW that she has an intellectual disability, and is a teenager, and that he was taking advantage of this to get a headline.
That is next-level shitty.
Also, I'm getting really angry that, in the comments on the article, some people are trying to explain this, and when someone says, "She has an intellectual disability," more than one person has responded with something like, "Being transgender is not a disability, and Medicaid shouldn't be covering her surgery." It's pretty disturbing that so many people are jumping to that conclusion.
Avoid the comments! That is some shitty shit.
Drugs are good. Ish. First available PT needling appointment isn't until next Tuesday. On the drugs, I can walk without wanting to cry, but the brain is fuzzy and slow and I can't drive. A minimum of five more days of this??? Ugh. Hopefully the prednisone provides added relief and I can cut back on the fuzzy meds.
To give you a sense of my fuzzy brain - Firefly was too much. Even though I have every episode memorized. I'm currently watching Big Brother instead. No brain required.
I am very cranky and not fit to be around humans today after a 3 day headache, but how the hell does one manage to completely mess up a closet organization that took 2 hours in five minutes? Is dresses with dresses etc that difficult to comprehend? And how does an errand for seltzer require a phone call?
Ironically, the dose of flexeril I took this morning knocked me out. There was couch snoozing.
I hate, hate, hate asking for help but I've asked for some help covering done deadline specific stuff at work, I asked CJ to get me mac and cheese AND ice cream and finally I asked for a ride to a meeting on Sunday. I'm done adultung. Nap time now.
Wonder of wonders, I woke up this morning and didn't immediately reach for my pain pills. I have been able to walk around the house, gingerly, with just the muscle relaxant. I'm going to take advantage of this by....WORKING! Wheeeee!