Hi, juliana! How is your toddler? Mine is currently throwing a tantrum for no reason.
I'm sorry ltc was hangry. Peanut is rather clingy today, but is otherwise her usual energetic self. I really miss the days of two naps. I can barely get anything done during her one.
Job~ma for Amy and everyone else who needs it (although I need to reserve some for me, because I need to get out of bartending).
Suzi, I hope the doc is helpful.
Also! I need to think of a name for my bakery - my friend Tony is opening a retail store, and he wants me to sell a few things there. I am, of course, at a total loss as to names. Thursday's Child is the only thing I can think of, and that's a little... esoteric. (I was born on a Thursday, "Thursday's Child has far to go", my treats hopefully help you get a little farther.)
Doc thinks it is purely muscular. Prescription for valium as a muscle relaxant, course of prednisone, and a referral to PT for dry needling. So... no quick fix. Thankfully my crutch helps me get around better than i had been this morning.
We have been trying to run a few necessary errands and I'm exhausted. Still not home yet.
Amy, I wish you get good job news ASAP. Pour yourself a Moscow mike when you get home.
Juliana, what kind of treats?
I know there is more but I have the memory of a goldfish right now.
My piriformis muscle can jump off a bridge
I'm sorry ltc was hangry. Peanut is rather clingy today, but is otherwise her usual energetic self. I really miss the days of two naps. I can barely get anything done during her one.
Yeah, we're having some clinginess too. I so miss two naps, which seems like it was ages ago. I finally hired two teenagers in the family to come by every Tuesday in the summer so that I can actually get stuff done. My house is a disaster.
Juliana, what kind of treats?
Almond butter honey protein bars & spiced nuts, so far,
That sounds delicious, juliana. Good luck to you.
I like Thursday's Child a lot, juliana.
Sorry for bad muscles and single-nap days, ladies. And Suzi, the prednisone may help sooner than you think.
My piriformis muscle can jump off a bridge
The piriformis is a JERK. As always, I recommend using tennis balls to target your trigger points in the piriformis. It can help a LOT. Not immediately (at least, it's never worked immediately for me), but it does help.