Aw, Suzi, that sucks. I hope Kelly can fix it.
There's still something not quite right with my neck, but hopefully it will settle out when I'm in the car.
Sent off an unfinished version of my business plan for review. Still have to write the executive summary and do some more number stuff. Now I'm off to look at used cars.
Hugs to everyone who wants them. I've been offline, dealing with my own fun mentsl health issues (and also my mother's visit), but I just caught up. And now I have to go fetch the toddler.
Hivemind - can I mix a muscle relaxant with Vicodin? I took the generic flexoril about an hour ago and it has done NOTHING. Shoot, I just tried to change my seated position and it has taken me way too long to regain any composure.
Hivemind - can I mix a muscle relaxant with Vicodin?
Not an expert, but I was certainly on muscle relaxants and heavy pain pills after my surgery.
Hi, juliana! How is your toddler? Mine is currently throwing a tantrum for no reason.
I was certainly on muscle relaxants and heavy pain pills after my surgery.
Yeah, that's a common combination. I hope the Vicodin helps! (Sometimes I suspect that Flexiril is just a placebo. But then other times I can tell it's working. Weird.)
Apparently she was hangry. Two bowls of oatmeal at 10 after sleeping late, yogurt, and a glass of milk as well as Cheerios for a snack. I didn't think it was possible for her to be hangry by noon, but she is eating her pasta and beans like she hasn't been fed in months.
(Sometimes I suspect that Flexiril is just a placebo. But then other times I can tell it's working. Weird.)
Flexeril was like magic the first time I used it. Then it stopped working after only half a dozen times spaced out over months. Now I have tizandine, which is the generic of something or other. Hasn't pooped out yet.
Flexeril is very effective at putting me to sleep.
I don't remember the actual name of the muscle relaxer I have - cyco-something I think. The bottle is in the other room and I'm NOT moving to go find it.
The Vicodin is dulling the pain and so far my brain isn't suffering.
Once work is done, I'm kinda at a loss on what to do about this. I think Kelly is still planning on coming over this afternoon to try her PT skills. Even if I go to the doc, I'm not sure what she can do other than prescribe more/different drugs. I'm pretty sure if my hip was out of joint, I wouldn't be able to move at all.