I'm sorry, Consuela. He's got a lot of good company up there to hang out with, for sure.
'Time Bomb'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2016: We know the world didn't end, because, check it out!
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering.
Go away, 2016.
We really did blow up 2016. There's pictures on Facebook. And (slo-mo) video at some point. So far, the neighbors haven't called the cops on us.
I saw that, Steph, and it made me fall a little bit in love with Tim. Platonically, of course.
That is so awesome, Teppy. Tim is a rock star!
That is so awesome, Teppy. Tim is a rock star!
Year in Review?
While 2015 was devastating on a personal loss level, 2016 just seemed to be MACRO gut-punching.
I did a personal top 10 on FB of some good to me things.
Beyond that, I started counting calories (then stopped), then started going to the gym. I need to put the two together and that might be the kicker. I did lose some weight (5-7 lbs) and absolutely lost some fat. I have maintained for several months though and am not where I want to be, so a kick in the pants is needed.
I continue to struggle with loving stuff and simultaneously wanting to declutter/simplify my life. I think I am still headed in the right direction. A garage sale Memorial Day saw several pieces of furniture leave the house. Despite clothes shopping like a banshee for several months, I did maintain balance and got rid of almost 1 for 1 things coming in. Books I decreased over all and if I kick up my reading habit like I am hoping, that should continue.
I got back on anti-anxiety meds and that was very very good. Low-level depression remains a no good situational thing. I'm lonely and mac is often non-communicative and angry. It will get better.
I lost both cats this year and it was hard for both, but also very different. They were 16-17.5, so they had good long lives. I miss them. I am also trying to enjoy the freedom of fewer commitments. (Dog sitting now for a BIG dog is curing me of any desire to get another pet).
This place and you all (both here and on FB) continue to be a bright spot. So much support, and joy sharing, and helpful advice/guidance. We rallied this year around those who needed it and I love us for that. I got closer to a few of you and hope to continue that trend. Real in person visits is as close to a resolution I am gonna make, but plans are in the works for at least 2 trips. As always Thanks and my guest room is available for retreats, respite, visits, and even small family vacations (I have a trundle bed option AND inflatables also).
I think I've talked enough about the bad parts of 2016, so I won't recap them. On the upside, my brother has been sober for 10 months now after his scary-ass relapse that took me to Colorado, and he's been in therapy since then, too. Family and friends have had babies and/or are expecting. Tim's niece and her BF got engaged and will be married in September. Work has been good for me. We had a wonderful vacation in July. Tim's rheumatoid arthritis isn't totally controlled yet, but it's improved, and his test results are much, MUCH better than they were when he was diagnosed in March. And he doesn't have lung disease, thank god.
I started therapy again, and while it's hard, it's also really helping. Going back on Lexapro seems to be helping, too. Taking that improv class in July was the best damn thing I've done in a long time. It seriously got me through the ugly-ass end of this year.
And our besties got married in August and I had the absolute joy and honor of officiating, which was probably the best part of 2016.
I said this on FB: I tend not to make resolutions (though I do need to get back to lifting weights), but I've followed the lead of others I've seen who pick 1 word to encompass their upcoming year. Being me, though, it's a phrase and not 1 word:
Do the work.
In all areas of my life, personally and professionally. Politically. It's time to do the work, whatever 2017 has in store. (I suppose that applies to lifting weights, too.)
Well, I hope he gets to share a cocktail with Debbie Reynolds.
Oh Consuela, I hope this is true! So sorry!
This year has been rough. To everyone here who has reached out to me with a kind word: Thank you. It has meant more than I could possibly express.
Onward, together.
I don't want to rehash this year, or make promises out loud about the next one. I'll say, today has been a good one, and I have hope for more good ones to come, for all of us. Happy New Year, Buffistas.