Driven batty. I haven't even needed Advil since weds or thurs. (ETA:I actually don't want to eat any of these cookies. Maybe 1. I like baking cookies about 10k more than I actually like eating cookies. It's odd.)
I really hope my surgeon takes off the steristrips on weds. Incisions itch but those things do too. Starting to catch on everything.
Ugh, dealing with a boil. I can see why people were afraid of being cursed with these things.
I was just reading a funny tumblr site and started laughing so hard it turned into coughing and I couldn't stop and almost threw up. good lord.
Sue, that's so awful. I'm so sorry.
Strix, ugh. I hope everything gets cleaned up and resolved soon.
I paid my water bill. yay not missing that again. then went and checked my gas bill, yep - 2 months late on that.
Giving myself a stern talking to. Glad they did not turn it off since we are below freezing here.
My dad had to take my mom to the ER again today. Her potassium is getting so low it's causing chest and abdomen pain. They've admitted her for tonight.
I was planning to drive home tomorrow anyway.
Around here they're not allowed to in winter.
Geez, I wish I liked baking cookies more than I liked eating them. Unfortunately I really like eating them.
aurelia, sounds like what happened with my dad this fall (among other things). Hope they get it all resolved soon.
I paid my water bill. yay not missing that again. then went and checked my gas bill, yep - 2 months late on that.
I discovered last month that I paid the oil the power company. Whoops!