Oh Strix. Sending you every manner of coping, strength, and courage vibes.
Yay, shrift, for finally arriving--and I'm glad that your sister's hand was unhurt, and that she found her dropped diamond.
Sue, I'm so sorry. What a lot of difficult stuff for them to deal with.
aurelia - Paris, MO is where the silo is.
Ugh, Strix. That is a whole lot of no good.
And Trump is officially President.
Well, officially President-Elect. We do still have one more month.
The plumber is coming out tomorrow, and we sucked up what we could with the shop vac. And there's a drain in the basement powder room. D went out and got a case bottled water, and bleach for clean up. If the fixing lasts longer than tomorrow, I know we can go over to my BFFs house and shower.
The fridge, I cleaned and sanitized already and the garage is nature's icebox right now, so it's dealable. Just a super shite week for it to all happen.
I'm self-medicating with a novel, very lemony ice water and cats.
Ugh. That sounds awful Strix. Reminds me of the Christmas when the pipes burst and everyone got stomach flu.
This is probably not the thread for it, but I have a friend I recently found out is fannish--but in more of a media way and less a story way? But I introduced her to Yuletide and AO3, but also was hoping someone could suggest any good recs sites that are somewhat general (besides PolyRecs?) Or writers that are just generally amazing?
Sue, Strix, I'm sorry. None of that is good.
I'm whiny as fuck trying to adjust to my temporary limitations. It's probably crazy I've done 9+ miles walking fast in the last 3 days (not sure of the track size, assuming quarter mile or more based on times) but also crazy I'm on 15 dozen cookies and had to talk myself outta another 5 outloud tonight. I get the swimming prohibition, I'm just a week out with 4 incisions that itch and ache deep into insides and I need to let the derma heal, but damnit I MISS THE STRETCH AND THE STROKE AND THE PULL AND THE RHYTHM AND THE ZEN AND THE WATER FLOWING PAST ME AND EVEN THE CHLORINE.
Sarameg, are you on steroids?? Or just being driven batty through inactivity? I'm in awe.
Strix, that is indeed sucky.
msbelle, I think I'd prefer Buffista Island in Scotland, though a bunker may be more of a good plan at this point. Eek.