I-29 from Kansas City to parts north was backed up 30 miles last night. People were sitting basically still for 9 hours.
M was supposed to arrive at 10 tonight from Philly, but the airline realllly didn't want an unaccompanied minor flying...and we really didnt want to drive north to the airport at 9 pm. It's really bad here already, and snow is pouring down over the ice. It's 10 degrees and still dropping.
He's coming in tomorrow morning, and I'm so relieved.
Turns out, I am Amelia Bedelia -- my mother had made a list for me, which included cutting branches off the bottom of the Christmas tree and also decorating it. I checked off "trim" after cutting the branches off, which was not correct! That was "branch."
BTW, Theo, I emailed you a question about today but still have the same question in general.
Good heavens, we just registered my kid for a summer camp because it was buy two weeks get one free for 48 hours. Merry Christmas?
Really?? I think I've only ever had one facial, maybe it was a terrible one? I didn't understand what made it awesome?
I'm with you. Facials are the worst.
Connie - insent.
Never had a facial. I have a massage every 3 weeks though.
The facial I had was just straight relaxing. My massages are like PT.
Sparky, that is a total bargain!