Yay Laura!
I'd originally planned to see Allegiance last night, but Mom needed me to stay with Dad while she went to a church dinner. Ah well, still a pleasant evening and I didn't have to drive a 160-mile round trip for it.
Today a new food truck opened across the street from my apartment, a Brazillian BBQ replacing the sucky wrap/sandwich one that left. If lunch today was any indication, we fared much better in the trade than wherever the latter ended up.
Bessie wears a mink stole, pass it on.
Ooh, I'm jealous of your food truck, Matt!
Messy bears sink bowls, pass it on.
I have reached maximum apocalypse tolerance. I'm going to knit myself a tinfoil hat, hoard canned goods, and set up a good hiding place in my attic.
Jessie bares stink poles, pass it on.
I have reached maximum apocalypse tolerance. I'm going to knit myself a tinfoil hat, hoard canned goods, and set up a good hiding place in my attic.
Legit response.
Congratulations to you and Brendon, Laura! Phew!
Work Project Update: All Signs Point To Yes
...but we probably won't have the paperwork signed until January.
Edited for obliqueness
Fussy hares eat voles, pass it on.
Woohoo! David.
Fuzzy pears grow mould, pass it on.
Fuzzy bear ran off with the troll, pass it on.
YAY David! It is a crazy time of year to get multiple people to coordinate on decisions.
Hopefully the Bros will be good bros.
Yay Hec! Super good news.
Yay Laura! Yay David! Sarameg, I'm glad you're healing reasonably well.