I don't even know what the terrible news is. Ostriches got nothing on me. Well, they can kick harder.
Anyway, I went to the DMV this morning thinking I was replacing the DL I lost, um, some time ago. Turns out, they had no record of me renewing so I have been driving around on an expired license for almost two years. I know I got SOMETHING in the mail that I certainly thought was my renewed license, but whatever, I didn't get stopped and arrested during that time and all I had to do was pay a slightly higher fee, get my picture taken, and take the test. Not even late for work.
And I had the nicest DMV worker helping me. She said it's possible that something went down the same day my DL was issued and it didn't get recorded or whatever and if I can find my receipt I can get a refund (of, like, $5 I think, so I'm not sweating that) and commented that at least now my picture will capture my cool hair. She'd like to go "fiery cheeto red" but she's not sure that would fly at the DMV. And asked if I lost weight looking at my 2010 picture. So possibly a record-breaking pleasant visit to the DMV.