Yay! That chair did look nice. At some point I need to replace DH's desk chair again. He is rough on them.
I am horrible at gift shopping. My MIL is so good at it. I think next year I will give her my list around summer and let her go at it. I am at a complete loss with my siblings and step-dad.
I bought something for my nephew but he changed his mind so I have to return it and get....star wars Legos I guess.
OMG, I just want to go to bed. Maybe 8?
Made two kinds of cookie dough. Should go work out. Doubt I will. Reading a book instead.
My to-do list for today/tomorrow morning -
- Frost a cake
- Make cake balls with extra cake
- Finish school paper
- Dinner/breakfast/lunch
- Clean my room
- Clean kitchen
- Clean living room
- Clean powder room
- Clear front porch and walkway of any remaining snow
- Cut cheese into cubes and prep snack trays
- Mull cider
- Set-up cookie swap area and snack/beverage area
- Relax before the party???
I think I have a present for my mother!
Now...my father. And also Yuletide.
Tomorrow: Target, bookstore, supermarket, dad, tree, decorate... clean??
Suzi, that's a lot!
Me for tomorrow: erm. Walk the dog, change the sheets. Do finances for Dad. Birthday dinner with family, yay!
I may do Target tomorrow. Ugh. Since I am outta here on the 18th I really have to get everything finished this week.
I've been doing pretty good with my current exercise plan. Ideally 4 miles a day, although some days my knee has said no. Today so far only 1-1/2, but more hours left. I have 16 pennies in one tiny bowl that move to another when I complete each 1/4 mile. Two weeks so far and most days I moved 16 before the day was done. It is nice and cool out (73 at the moment), so that makes it easier to establish the habit. I am old, and fat, and out of shape, yo. But 2 out of 3 of these I can do something about.
So proud of you for finding an everyday way to get your body moving, Laura.