So, the theatre that I'm involved in is putting on a Christmas show, next weekend and then the Wednesday and Thursday between Christmas and New Years (because that makes perfect sense).
It's going to be fucking EPIC.
The director, who isn't really a theatre person, wrote it. I don't think she's ever directed anything before. I'm not real sure she has yet. What little bit of her writing I have encountered did not feature a lot of dialogue. I think it tells you a lot about the board that all of my friends were in the "Danger, Will Robinson" camp and the board was like "This seems like a solid plan"
This is a Christmas show. It is not for kids under age 12. It is "dark." It has a hard-to-pronouce name. There is a character called "Lamb," who, I swear to the old gods and the new, is not Jesus, literally or symbolically.
They stole their logo.
There are, apparently, parts that are still uncast (which, given the revolving door that this cast has been is both totally predictable and a little surprising). At this point, they're still planning on using projections, and they're recording voice over this weekend.
There is no tech rehearsal.
I am going on opening night because this is the Christmas Show that 2016 deserves.
Maybe it's secretly an attempt to annoy Jesus into moving the Second Coming up in the schedule?
Hahahaha, oh Debet. I would go with you if geographically possible. Watching train wrecks is not normally my thing, but this sounds perfect storm level.
Wow. That sounds awesomely horrible.
Well, that'll be interesting.
In other news, the WaPo broke a story last night that the Obama administration and Congressional leaders all knew in October that the Russians had hacked both the RNC and the DNC, and were actively working to get Trump elected. Not just destabilize the election, but get Trump into office.
Obama wanted to release a bipartisan statement about the issue, but McConnell refused and threatened to accuse the president of politicizing the issue. So Obama sat on it. And then Comey, who knew the Russians were interfering, sent his letter to Congress about Clinton/Weiner emails.
And Trump got elected. And Mitch McConnell's wife has been offered a cabinet position.
I cannot even. I'm not surprised by McConnell, because he's always been a heinous shitgibbon, but Obama should have forced the issue and taken the hit. Instead he let Comey tank Clinton's chances.
Jesse, something for Good Stuff:
(tissues needed but in a good way)
Also, this:
(It's corporate but lovely anyway)
That feeling when your mom's best friend SCORCHES THE EARTH on your ex and all you can do is repeat WOW over and over and over again. And then she privately messages you to say "You did good on that divorce". And the cycle of WOW repeats again.
Also, this: [link] (It's corporate but lovely anyway)
I'm not crying. YOU'RE CRYING!
I cannot even. I'm not surprised by McConnell, because he's always been a heinous shitgibbon, but Obama should have forced the issue and taken the hit.
The whole election cluster$%&@ is so depressing. It would appear that too many people of power/influence/money are just accepting handing out government over to these people without a fight. It is 2000 all over again, and I can't help but fear that the horror that followed that election will be minor compared to what could happen now.
That feeling when your mom's best friend SCORCHES THE EARTH on your ex
Wow, Suzi. Is this something you and your kids have to be in the middle of, or something you can observe from a safe distance?