You and Cagney are always welcome to come spend a few days at our house if you want to get away from the center of things. My town will not be celebrating the inauguration!
Sparky, I might just take you up on that. You are so, so kind.
It would be good to visit with y'all in any case. I need to figure out a time that works for you for a quick visit to see if the fuzzballs could be amenable. Cagney plays well with others these days...but...some dogs he plays quietly with and with others, he is a claxon!
A colleague I don't have much direct work with just asked to have coffee, which always feels like intrigue! I have a couple of ideas what it's about, but I guess we'll see....
I am home from work today, burning a vacation day. I have been to Target. 8:30 at Target is the BEST THING EVER. Now I am going to attempt to fix my leaking washing machine ON MY OWN. I am armed with step by step instructions from the interwebs which may or may not work on my particular machine. Stay Tuned.
I'm home sick and feeling guilty about it, of course, because that's my default setting for everything these days. On the other hand, I lost my voice Monday night and haven't gotten it back yet, and pushing myself to work all through the week hasn't helped me actually feel better, so I thought I'd give this crazy sick day idea a try.
Also, the baby had a 102-degree fever last night, so she has to stay home anyway. My MIL is here to help out with her for a few hours, but she is ALSO sick! So I feel guilty about her being here too.
Kate, sending you lots of get well wishes for baby, MiL, and you.
These days I feel very weird about any time I am not at work.
Go msbelle!
Recovery~ma to the whole P household.
I'm bagging at the outlet sale today and just started coughing and sneezing enough for my coworkers to ask if I'm alright. So this'll be an adventure.
It helps if I had initially watched the how to video and read instructions for my actual brand of washer. I took out a few more screws than I needed to and now can't get one back in. oops.
Still, I got the front panel off and have access to what I need. Now unsure of what to check for.
Feel better, Buffista peeps. CJ is home sick for the second day in a row - he NEVER gets sick but he had a cold last week and how he has some kind of GI ick.
So, I have already been out to the liquor store, the grocery store, and the pet store. I have Stout for a cake I'm making, chicken broth for the boy, and more food and "snacks" for Miss Kitty.
I'm working part time today, baking a beer cake, prepping to bake soft ginger cookies, and I have a PT appt in the afternoon. Lots to do, so little time.
ETA - didn't need to say that twice.
Msbelle - best of luck with your washer. I try to do my own repairs and I think I have about a 70/30 success rate. You can DO eeeet.