I have barely worked today and it's been pretty nice.
That does sound nice!
I don't know how much I got done today, although not for lack of trying. I've been stalking engineers to approve my code because I need to clear the deck to push more code. Plus I'm taking a machine learning class tomorrow, so I'll be away from my desk all day.
I would like to sleep for 12 hours.
So I get home to a message on my machine from the surgeon's office saying I have a prescription waiting for me at the pharmacy because further test results came in and I'm positive for a UTI.
Apparently I'm asymptomatic? Because this is certainly news to me.
I've gotten more prescription meds in the past month than I've needed in a decade.
This year keeps getting more and more shitshow.
But the people I work with and for? Are being positively wonderful. We just hit another major unexpected snag in ops, we all sat down and brainstormed the way we do best (lots of loud voices, rueful laughter and pulled faces at our db people insisting it isn't them) and then everyone was asking what I needed and offering to run errands, talk to mgmt about donating leave hours* etc.
* it's gonna be tight. I'm only on the books as a 7 mo employee, after 19.5 years. Despite the benefits and leave being drastically bettter than before-i earned more in these 7 months than a year with cfuckery-I only have 7 months worth and I've been sick and used leave carefully, but not expecting this. I'm not covered by Fmla protections yet. When I pointed this out to my boss (per HR's doomsday letter) and asked her not to let HR fire me if something goes wrong and I have to take more time without pay, she started swearing (she doesn't swear) and said she & division boss would go camp on the director's desk to keep me employed AND paid.
So yeah. It's been a crazy fucking year, the workload is unbalanced and we've got issues, but it's a good work family.
Yikes, sara. Stop getting sick.
I love my memory foam mattress. And pillow.
Went out to check mail tonight when we got home from dinner. The mailboxes are in an enclosed area, where the pool is, and there's a little grassy area. And there, on the grass, were two bunnies! We saw one the other night running away down the alley, but these two were cautious but relatively okay with just chomping down on their grass while we checked mail and took pictures.
Bunnies are the cutest, aren't they?
So Monday at 6 I got an assignment for this job I'm applying for, due Thursday at 6. I think I've gotten it to a good place, and I basically don't have any other time to work on it before tomorrow at 6, but I'm paranoid to send it now! I'll give it one more read-through in the morning, I guess.
Good luck with the interview homework, Jesse.
Jeez, sarameg, I had forgotten about your change in status @work. Glad to hear the people you work with have your back!
Eta I hope shrift is sleeping.
Sent off the homework, and they "hope to get back to me by the end of next week." Which is fine, but I thought they wanted to move quickly! At this rate I wouldn't even be able to give notice before January, assuming I got the job.
I hope you hear good news from them soon, Jesse.
I'm trying to decide if I genuinely feel crappy or if it's a bad case of the "don't wannas". I'm leaning toward the former.
I went for a solid 3 years without getting a cold. Now I'm going into my third week of this cold. I thought I had beaten it back; turns out it just didn't like Chicago. Now I'm home and my sinuses are in revolt and I'm counting the minutes until I can take another slug of cough syrup.
So, bah. At least the dog walker is coming today so the Boss won't lose her mind with boredom.
I had a pretty awful respiratory thing in mid- late-November and it seemed to pass on its own but now I have weird throat phlegm and keep losing my voice. It's weird. I don't feel uncomfortable or sick, just this one thing.
I haven't been sick with a cold in three or four years either, and this year I have a weird lingering thing. Its driving me nuts!