That's good news about your boss, Sophia!
Hope you get water back soon, Laura.
Horrified about the pizzagate gunman. Thank goodness he didn't shoot anybody.
Oakland is just overwhelming. Seems like everyone knows someone who was hurt.
Jesse, there are no words. I'm so sorry. That just shouldn't happen.
Can this awful year finish out with no more horrors, please?
Everything is terrible, is basically where I'm at today.
Everything is terrible
Nuh-uh. Pat McRory just conceded!
Jesse - so sorry, that's heartbreaking.
Pat McRory just conceded!
Yes, we must pause to treasure the victories.
My new grocery store has a fancy-ish cheese department, and every Saturday they feature an exotic-to-Utah cheese. However, they keep pushing pickles as part of the samples they're handing out. Cracker/cheese/pickle. Is pickle the fashionable choice with cheese tastings these days? It doesn't seem fair to the cheese.
Cheese and pickle is a classic combination! I agree with you that I probably wouldn't do it if I were trying to push a fancy cheese, though.
Pizza gunman is just awful. It's ridiculous but if people are picketing and bringing guns how can you run your business and keep profitable?? Even if people support you, I can't think I'd feel safe bringing my kids or going there knowing people are crazy and planning to bust the place up! Ugh. This world man
Cheese and pickle is a classic combination!
I'd be a horrible food judge. I sympathize very much with the bakers on GBBO who get told their food is too simple. "Simple this, Paul Hollywood!"