I am a crazy person and just booked a day trip to the airport in order to keep my airline status for another year (not the highest status, but still a status with bennies...if I fly...). $125 to leave hella early, fly to LAX, spend all day at the airport working (at least, that's my plan--hoping I can find my guest pass to the lounge) and then fly home. But the only time it was cheap was on Tuesday or Wednesdays, otherwise I might've tried weekend in LA!
I went to St. Louis for lunch. This year I'm not close enough (sob).
I should probably change the rewards cards I have that give me airline miles since I hardly every fly. Or maybe fly more. I've never had any status that needed maintaining, though.
I didn't know about all that, Maria, good luck to Italy.
Dictionary.com announced their Word of the Year for 2016: Xenophobia. Wonder
what could have brought that on?
easy to do really unwise things on that drug because it makes you feel so good.
Like go swimming? Because if I feel this normal tomorrow after I take it when I get home, I just might. Because honestly, this is the most like myself I've felt in 3 days. (But also, flighty enough that no way can I work or drive on this shit. )
Timelies all!
Surgery~ma, sara.
Woke up yesterday with itchiness on my right pinky. Scratched it a bit, until I realized there were three raised bumpson the back of it. I have not been scratching it, but every time that finger brushes something, the bumps get redder and larger. One of the bumps has started oozing. I have no idea what has caused this, nor do I know what to do. Cortizone creams do not work on me. Meh.
Like go swimming? Because if I feel this normal tomorrow after I take it when I get home, I just might.
That weird feeling you might have just started experiencing is me, giving you the STINKEYE all the way from Ohio. Don't go swimming when you're on opiates for acute pain. If you can't work or drive while taking it, swimming is right out. Seriously, please avoid bodies of water.
lisah, totally worth it! You and Bob should be just taking weekend trips anywhere Southwest flies!
Sara, what La Tep said. Please don't. The pool will be there after you're off the hydrocodone.
sarameg, first, I'm sorry that you have the plague. Kids and I have it now and I just spent my lunch hour on the phone with Grace's pulmonologist.
Also, gallstones. ACK. OH NO. I am so so so sorry.
sara, thirding that. Please do not go swimming.
What about oral Benadryl, Sheryl?
Sheryl, how about calamine lotion?
sarameg, sorry about your ginormous gallstone, see if you can keep it and make jewelry. Glad the drug is easing your pain but please do not swim! Do not do anything, in fact. Just lie on the couch and stare at the tv. Or the ceiling. Be safe.
Cannot even engage about OSU. So sad, so mad, so weary.