Sheryl, how about calamine lotion?
sarameg, sorry about your ginormous gallstone, see if you can keep it and make jewelry. Glad the drug is easing your pain but please do not swim! Do not do anything, in fact. Just lie on the couch and stare at the tv. Or the ceiling. Be safe.
Cannot even engage about OSU. So sad, so mad, so weary.
Yeah, I'd hold off on the swimming.
Hydrocodone made me feel so good that when I came back from surgery to move my ulnar nerve, I started pulling weeds in the yard. With the arm that had just been operated on.
So, no.
There are benadryl creams, also, which I have found useful for highly localized stuff like that. And cover with gauze or a bandage or something. Maybe clean with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol or witch hazel or something first - I usually do that but I don't know if it actually does any good, I just figure if there is still irritant on my skin, get it off.
You overestimate the motivational effects on me; an hour later, I was asleep.
Benadryl cream hasn't worked for me in the past, and I don't know if we have any oral Benadryl. I'm going to slather some Aquaphor on the affected areas, just to let them heal.
Hope that works, Sheryl. I think your odds are pretty good.
Sparky, glad everyone's okay.
Sarameg, oh ouch ouch I hope the surgeon finds you a fast time to fix this.
I can't sleep bc this new book (that I am not apparently working on at the moment) won't leave me alone and I am mad at the internet.
msbelle, I'm glad you got the paperstuffeurocracy sorted and hope you get everything back.
I find that itchiness decreases if I put a bandage over the itch to keep it from rubbing on everything.
If nothing stops the itch, I often find hitting it with a hairdryer set to the hottest setting or hot water will overwhelm the itch receptors and basically shut them up, at least for a little while. When I had hell's itch after my last sunburn, the only thing that would relieve it was a scalding hot shower.
hippo, mad at the internet because of the book, or are the two not related?