A brief poll: is it or is it not a disinheriting offense to get a new puppy and not send your family photos of same puppy? I'm just saying.
I mean, I shared photos of a puppy I met for ten minutes this morning. It was my obligation to share them to the world!
So, familial responsibility is at least 20x greater.
I'm at the hospital for a minor procedure that I thought would be done by now, and the doctor isn't even here yet. I got here an hour ago. Why did they tell me to arrive early?
Ugh, Zen. That kind of thing always makes me crazy.
A brief poll: is it or is it not a disinheriting offense to get a new puppy and not send your family photos of same puppy? I'm just saying.
You would be well within your rights.
Nilly! And also juliana! And Cindy and Karl! It's nice to see old names around.
I am back at work and it is not ideal. Looking at my calendar, I'm not sure when I'm ever going to read the emails that came in while I was out for two days.
I'm back in the office for the first time since last Wednesday (Hurricane Flo). My route in was a bit circuitous due to flooding, but otherwise, things are fine. Better than expected, actually. My basement office suite has a history of flooding, but I guess they fixed the problem very well because 10–15" of rain didn't do a thing.
TCG came home with the biggest head of cabbage I have ever seen yesterday. It must weigh 5 lbs. another gift from a fellow employee. I have no idea what to do with it.
Make a whole lot of coleslaw?
Hi, Nilly! It's always so lovely to see you here!
Zen, that's so irritating. But also the usual way of doctors, I've found.
I know who's having cole slaw for dinner!
I don't like Coleslaw. I have found a few cabbage soups I can make it in the crock pot.
So what do people think of the allegations against Kavanaugh? Assuming they are true, and they do seem entirely plausible, should something he did in high school disqualify him? OTOH, he would have only been 17 and was at a party where he was drinking, but I can't help but think 17-year-old me wouldn't have done something like that. Also, I can't help thinking that dismissing the allegation because he was in high-school is sort of dismissing attempted rape with "boys-will-be-boys" and that feels entirely wrong.
At his point he is either lying about it or not, and if he is lying about it that feels disqualifying. But what if it were true and he admitted it happened, but says he was 17 and drunk and felt regret and never did anything like that again? It feels wrong to pull out something he did in high school, but it feels wrong to dismiss it too.
I'm home and probably going to take a pain pill and call out from work. That minor procedure was a lot more intense than I expected.