Epic, that's exciting.
I wasn't on the Beta until after, because I remember reading you all talking about the day after the fact. And Sara's fine, just a back-to-school sinus infection with a terrible cough. The hard-ass nurse at school actually called me to come get her.
Okay, it's all mush in my brain now. I remember your board name there and thinking you probably weren't as old as you thought you were when you chose it, wrt posting on a Buffy board (because same here).
Poor Sara. Sinus stuff is of the suck. When the school nurse pays attention, you know the cough is bad.
My uncle died over the weekend. His funeral is tomorrow. The death notice in the paper misspelled his last name in the header. It's right throughout (i.e. when they mention other family members).
I think it's making me want to cry more than I cried when I got the news that he passed. (I'm not cold. I cried at his passing. This thing is making me angry almost-cry, but I hold it in, because it's stupid, and then I get a headache. Then I forget about it. Then I remember. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)
To be brutally honest, I hate smartphones and the loss of keyboard culture. I hate Twitter and Facebook gives my ADHD hives. I'm deeply suspicious of putting my banking, my writing, my photos, and my personal ramblings on/in/at (you choose) the cloud. I hate losing track of people, I mourn diaspora.
Is there room for me in the cranky corner, Beverly?