In other news, my mother is suddenly Really Concerned about the fact that I don't drive, because what if Something Happens to her? I talked through the various options and likelihoods with her, which I think did the trick. It made me realize what I am really thankful for this year: being rich enough that if a $100 cab ride is the best option, it's no problem.
And one of these days, I think we'll take the train to my uncle's, just to see how that goes. I let her know that if we're taking the train for Thanksgiving, I would appreciate her not bringing seven-layer dip in a 13x9 pan, as that is not practical to carry. A smaller dish would be fine, though!
Mmm, those sweet potatoes sound hella good, Calli! I am quite attached to my traditional orange juice based sweet potato casserole, but apricot and ginger is intriguing.
You need one of those quilted pan covers with a carrying handle, Jesse.
Or just a lighter contribution to the meal! But yes.
There's oj in that recipe, too. All the good things.
I saw a clip of the Anne of Green Gables remake and the Gilbert was All Wrong, and I knew it wasn't going to work.
Dangit, Florence Henderson died.
Oh no! Not Carol Brady. Dang.
I got my pay stub and it included a very generous Reward and Recognition about. Which is very nice, but I have no clue why. I'm missing the Recognition side of the equation.
We had 11 for Thanksgiving and (as is traditional) food for about 30. So we're having a Please Come Eat Our Leftovers party tomorrow - but in the mean time, today is for chilling in our (temporarily clean) house with crafts and video games and a deep sense of appreciation for each other and good friends and the fact that we neither travelled or had to deal with family bullshit this holiday.
Did not need to say that twice.
Time to start decorating the house!!!
Bargh, this cold is awful. I woke up coughing and happily found some Mucinex in my sister's cabinets. But I'm still in my pajamas and the dogs are not getting walked today. At least I have chicken soup on the stove and five more episodes of Stranger Things to watch.