Today one of our facilities guys (let's call him Tino) came to my office asking for one of our crew guys. I had to explain that the guy who runs the light board isn't there when there isn't a show. Tino then asks who he can talk to about a lighting thing. I paused and said, "Well, I'm... the lighting supervisor..."
He had no idea. I wonder what he thought my job was.
Surgery~ma to Theodosia's roommate, and yay, Dana!
My boss is so chipper this morning. Jesus Christ. She sounds like she's running at 1.5x speed.
I'm hanging in the pre-op with Rosemary. Waiting is hard even if I'm not the one who is going to be opped.
Waiting in hospitals is the worst.
Oh, good, my coworker is feeling argumentative today. This meeting is going to be fun.
Working from home. Fighting with cat for keyboard. Finally winning. (He deleted the first three times I typed this.)
Hope everything goes smoothly for your friend today,Theo.
Oh god, they're talking about a team summit where our global team would meet up. 4 days, probably 8-6 each day. Those would be...long days.