Now I want to know which word it was. Brava F! (Though I do understand how it's less than happy-making for mama.)
Is anyone else remembering seeing toddler Em dropping something at the SF F2F and hearing a tiny little voice pipe up "shit!" Absolute silence for a second and then we all roared with laughter. We tried to stop because we didn't want to encourage her, but it was so cute!
Sick with worry over Carr fire. All our CA people are safe, I hope?
Someone just asked me, in all seriousness, if I read German, and said "oh dear" when I said I don't! Hahaha academics.
I'm sure you could if you just tried a little harder, Jesse. It's the same alphabet, how hard can it be?
Husband has a third call for a job in about 20 minutes. EVERYONE VIBE HARD.
Is anyone else remembering seeing toddler Em dropping something at the SF F2F and hearing a tiny little voice pipe up "shit!"
Oh my, that was so precious. She was trying to pick up about five thousand crayons all at once, and when one too many made her drop all of them, she responded with the most perfectly timed "Oh, SHIT."
It's my last day before vacation and I have no motivation to actually do anything. I've been lackadaisically tying up loose ends all week and I don't think there's much of them left - certainly don't want to go pulling on anything to check...