(I have this half-baked dream of becoming a therapist for a retirement job, but will probably never actually do the extra schooling necessary.)
I wonder if you're allowed to advertise yourself as just a listening ear with the clear stipulation that you are not a trained therapist. With all the other services people get paid for, you'd think that would be possible.
I think you can do that if you call yourself a life coach.
Jesse I think that's what a lot of life coaches are. But then, I alsoroll my eyes at a lot of like, 23 year olds who are "life coaches". Because really.
Can I come to your home, lie on your couch, and have a meltdown for 45 minutes?
I want that too. Maybe only 20 minutes? Ugh. Had a date, she canceled, tone is hard on text, we both overreacted and now I'm thinking there will be no more dates which is probably for the best but ugh.
I want that too. Maybe only 20 minutes?
On Wednesdays, I have two consecutive sessions. So, yesterday, I had a 90 minute meltdown. I was soft-peddling.
Jesse I think that's what a lot of life coaches are. But then, I alsoroll my eyes at a lot of like, 23 year olds who are "life coaches". Because really.
Oh yeah -- a woman I used to work with quit to be a life coach, and maybe she was 27? I don't think she had enough life to coach anyone else!
Seriously, anyone wants to lie on my couch and talk to me, I will charge half what you're paying now!
I would love that, to know that someone I knew and liked and trusted was listening, and could give advice. It's so hard to find a therapist I feel like I can talk to.
Bah blah blah yak yak yak digress diversify comment yabber yabber yabber...
I am talking and I can't shut up. This is how I know I exist.
I do not see your pained expression nor how you keep sidling away from me. I know I am fascinating and you enjoy hearing from me even though you are sitting there turning the pages of your book.
..... I've spent some time with people who blow a lot of hot air, can you tell?
Connie, I really think you'd like the south coast of Iceland. Crashing noth Atlantic, the churn of pebbles as waves retreat.
I should be asleep, but i can't stop thinking about our trip & my time with my parents. It was really good. And sobering (hello, mortality!) and I've been sad since I dropped them at the airport. Even an evening swim in the sun at Druid was a short balm. I MISS them. I only once got truly exasperated (after over 24 hrs w/ no break)and even then, I just hid until I was good again. 17 goddamned days, majority with me running the show & I was sorry to see them go. Huh?
Probably mom's last big excursion to unfamiliar.It had some hard parts that I had the..privilege? of wrangling. But I learned how to handle it, for the right then. The loss of short term memory, attendant anxiety, sundowning, etc. associated means MY relationship with her & dad is changing. But I don't want to treat her as lacking autonomy. It's a fine balance. And yes, it's scary. She was the last one we expected any issues from, herself included.We're all catching up.
Enjoy every moment you have with them.
Yesterday I learned what a canister purge valve does in my car. Today I find out how much it costs to replace it.