My last name is a weird spelling of a common word, so I always spell it out.
Unfortunately, my parking spot is half a mile from my office, so not walking is not an option. Boy, the AC feels good once I get here.
We had a storm go through here yesterday, so I was able to have the windows open overnight and air things out. Back up to the 90s today, though.
In my ongoing get-out-of-the-south job hunt, I ran across a position in Ontario. Which certainly qualifies. No idea how likely it is that they need an eLearning technologist badly enough to import one from another country. Maybe worth a shot? If any of our Canadianistas have done time in HR and would like to weigh in, that would be awesome.
I was just saying to a coworker, the upside of no (or inadequate) air-conditioning at home is that it makes going to to the office so appealing!
True. A big part of why I am actually at the office today.
Funny, I'm pretty sure when I left on Tuesday there was some stuff left undone that I was figuring I would get to today, but sure can't think of any of it now...
I feel like I heard somewhere about someone developing or testing silent fireworks - all light and no boom for less trauma. Can't remember anything about it though, so not sure it was real.
Aaaaaand remembered what I was working on on Tuesday. Do not want to work on it again, but I guess I will. And writing myself a note.
One of the nice things about dropping everything at work for a work emergency is that the everything looks so much more appealing when I come back to it. Hello, everything. The Assistant Director isn't looking over my shoulder while I deal with you. (I mean, she's perfectly nice, but still—AD.) Let me work on you in a calm, non-stressed manner.
Let me work on you in a calm, non-stressed manner.
This is how my whole office feels this week, I think, after the 5-year Campaign ended last weekend. Ahhhh. Nothing is urgent or high-stakes? Perfect. Let's see how long we can roll with this.
Also, even with not that many people here, the scones and cookies I left in the kitchen at 8:30 are totally gone without a trace. I mean, even the packaging is gone. I don't care, because getting rid of them was my goal, but what happened??
We had double fireworks this year! Our town fireworks on the 3rd, and then we went up to Poughkeepsie to watch from the Walkway Over The Hudson pedestrian bridge. And I have to say - Ossining local fireworks were way better! Go small town!
Poughkeepsie wins for better weather, and an AMAZING view from the bridge though - we were basically at eye level with the explosions, and we could also see 4-5 other towns' fireworks over the treeline in the distance.
Oh cool! I keep saying I'll do that with the Martinez-Benicia bridge, walk out to the middle and watch the fireworks from there. Maybe next year.