Really do not want to get out of bed and there's a cat on me. So.
Did not change my name when I got married. I debated the pros and cons but in the end inertia won as it so often does. Has only been in ccasipnally inconvenient. Probably helps that mylasname and DHlastname are both essentially S-squiggle-ff when handwritten.
The plan for kids was, of course, to make them hyphenates and give them long unusual first names as well as Hebrew names and nicknames. As is the custom.
One hour for a whole day is not a bad deal!
I will have to disturb the cat if I want to eat, alas.
I changed my name - combination of getting married really young (so no professional history with my old name) and wanting to trade in a constantly misspelled/mispronounced name for a nice simple easy one.
Reader, they misspell this one too.
Timelies all!
I changed my name when I got married because it seemed like the right thing to do. I went from a short last name that frequently got misspelled to a longer last name that I spell for people frequently.
I think I will never at this point get married and also At this point I will never change my name. But I did choose to add the Brooks to my name unkfficially, and may someday get a legal name change because that is just me and I am glad I chose it. When I was younger, I thought it would depend on how good the name sounded!
My BFF ended up changing her name because when she was going through a hard time, her brother bought her a car and put it in her married name. It was easier to change her name than the title to the car!
Also, Jessica, how in the world do they misspell your last name? It is an actual word. No one misspells any of my name, but they do call me the complete wrong name. My last name is a first name and people also just seem to go with any old name that starts with an n.
People misspell and mispronounce everything. No matter what. It's like a challenge. My last name is six letters long and not difficult. And yet.
I have learned with my last name that people don't generally listen to you pronounce your name, they just try to slot it to a name they know.
No matter now many times I say my last name, spell it out (all four letters) and pronounce it again, a certain number of people will look at me blankly and reply "Mays?"
I even had a substitute teacher insist I must have the spelling of my name wrong.