People across the land today gonna be sweaty.
Oh, heavens was I sweaty at the March yesterday. There was the suggestion from national organizers to wear white. I had to dredge up a blouse I used to wear at office jobs. But it's a bit thin, so I wore a cream colored silk tank style camisol under it. Then I got to the rally at our local Diversity Coalition; they had white t-shirts with their logo on it for everyone to wear so that when we all went to the March in the next town over, we would represent our town. Three layers are about two and a half too many in 87 degrees plus high humidity. I ended up marching on foot with the group for about two blocks before going back for my car. That worked out ok, because I caught up with the back of the line, and offered a ride to a delightful older woman from Kenya named Lina who said, "So many White people came, they care about us."
And she said something that is a good message for all of us who are beginning to weary of the hate. When I said, "I used to be proud to be American," Lina said, "The whole world loves America. We are going to fix this, and we will be proud of America again."
EDITED TO ADD: I originaliy came here to suggest for those who are feeling exhausted, that it may be useful to select one or two areas to focus on rather than trying to maintain outrage at every aspect of what we are facing.
That's wonderful, Andi.
I should have put my window a/c in yesterday, not just my mother's. Bleh.
Jesse, I'm impressed that you have gotten along without A/C as long as you have.
It's been in the high nineties with 1 one million percent humidity here and we have bought four ac units in the last week--bedroom, office, tv room and guest room. Otherwise it's impossible to bear.
It only just got hot here on Friday, especially with humidity, so my ceiling fan has been plenty.
Despite the fact that I have a lot of time off coming up, I really need to get some shit done today. So will report here. So far, I've grocery shopped and cleaned the bathroom. Then I'm going to put in laundry and bring up the a/c. Then I guess it's just baking and nails, along with general tidying. What I'm trying to decide is when to take a shower, given that everything I'm doing will make me sweat and sweat.
Shower after baking and before nails.
I have churched. Come home and got laundry out of the drying racks. Trying to figure out if I have anything I can get done before lunch other than dishes which I do not want to do.
Got dog for dog sitting dropped offf at 6am. Our regular guest, Maya. Both she and Bailey are seeming more needy than normal. They know each other and our routines, so unsure why. Might result in the rest of my day being spent on the couch.
Meeting the parents for lunch in half an hour. I'm taking them some of the peach cobbler I made last night. I've got to start farming out all the baked goods I made.
It's good to hear Lina has hope that America will not always be a flaming dumpster fire full of hate.
I feel better now. Thanks Andi.
I started my birthday week celebrating early. We went out to dinner last night with Victor, thessaly, vw, husband of vw, and Stitch. It was a blast, and ltc and Stitch played so well together. I just love seeing them together.
That is a most excellent way to start the birthday week.
I am a puddle of grossness about to jump into a cold shower. I vacuumed and think I risked heat stroke.