You know what was a bigger climb? The Civil Rights movement. It's doable. You can fight with all the government apparatus and justice and social order turned against you.
Eh, I feel like that battle's been ongoing and is being hard fought still. It doesn't feel an awful lot like a Mission Accomplished, with the defiantly unaddressed systemic inequities baked into the ole U. S. of A.
Basically, I am not feeling terribly optimistic about this dumpster fire of a country.
Awwww, thank you so much, everyone! I am in therapy right now, and a big part of it is trying to overcome my instinctive desire to flinch away from kind words or yell, "NO, YOU LIE." So, I'm trying. All y'all are making me teary.
Three years ago I got marriage equality for so many of my friends and family and it was the best present ever. This one SUCKS and I wish to return it. Damn SCOTUS didn't even include a gift receipt, the bastards.
Karl, I am so glad that you're here among us. Caths and stents are truly marvels, aren't they?
Happy birthday, JZ! I hope this year brings you more joy than you expect.
Happiest of birthdays, JZ!
Happy JZ day. You're an eloquent, kind and funny person, whose passionate belief in doing the right thing is always inspiring. Crazy about you.
^^ What Scrappy said.
And today we can celebrate David's birthday! Happy Hec Day!
I'm doing birthday stuff on FB, but I read through and get too ragey spending time there. So I just want to stay here for a while.
There really and truly are people out there that think things would be this bad or worse with Hillary as president. Including my son, but he knows better than to speak of it around me. The world has gone mad.
My husband and others are trying to remind me that historically this is just a blip, a miserable dumpster fire of a blip, but we will get past it. He is vile, but he really isn't Hitler, and Germany survived. Maybe people will actually vote in November. Maybe Mueller will finish and a bunch of them will go to jail. Maybe Pruitt and DeVos will run away and never be heard from again. Maybe Pence's wife will decide he needs to resign. Hey, it's possible.
The one thing I do know is that this will be history at some point and maybe something positive will come of it. Like we will get past it without civil or world war?
Happy birthday, David. You have taught me a great deal about how to define masculinity in a way I can live with, and those lessons have only gotten more valuable as time has gone on.
I love you. Thank you so much.
I'm so sick of sarcastic repairmen. My "off-brand" (his words) Seventh Generation detergent is causing my washing machine to break because it is too harsh.