I am sorry but I have skipped and skipped.
Trying to order something from Penzey's for my Trump-voting dad (lolol) for his b-day and the site isn't working. Tried to get a digital subscription to the NY Times and my login isn't working. People, my rage is already at an ALL-TIME high. This is NOT helping.
Sail, I'm very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you.
Surgery running late. Lovely. I adore waiting.
Gives a few more minutes for surgery~ma to be sent!
I hate everyone and want to fire all my customers today. I am actually looking forward to going to the dentist this afternoon to get away from them.
I hate everyone and want to fire all my customers today.
My coordinator is overworked and it's a short week, but I am so aggravated at her sending me an email saying "We NEVER do XYZ and you did it," and when I replied "There is a note in the file from the Editor-in-Chief that explicitly says 'On this article ONLY, go ahead and do XYZ,' so I assumed that note meant I should do XYZ," she replied back "Well, I changed it anyway because we don't do XYZ and you should have changed it."
What the shit. The Editor-in-Chief outranks her. I do what the Editor-in-Chief says. I guarantee if I had gone ahead and done what Coordinator said she wanted me to do, she would have replied with "There is a note from the Editor-in-Chief that says you should do XYZ; why did you ignore that note???" No way to win on this one.
Outside a crew of workmen are making lots of noise and shouting and digging up my lawn for utility work because I guess they have a easement, and I have a hangover and I'm bitter and cranky.
Sail, my condolences on your loss.
SUrgery~ma, Dana.
Monday! That's all I got.
Surgery ~ma, Dana!
This noise is bout ta drive me mad. Sounds like a pneumatic jackhammer.
They're working under my trees. If they damage them I'm going on a rampage. Just so you know. Maybe I'll arm myself and take over a wildlife refuge. That's okay now, right? I bet it's quiet at a wildlife refuge.