So my sister & BIL's party went off pretty well, although I may have ordered way too much food. OTOH the food didn't go to waste: we sent a lot home with my niece's friends who did a lot of the work, and I got a nice pile of goat cheese and about a pound of leftover salumi. NOM.
Got in a dog walk, and now it's raining while I sit here and do some online banking. What did we do before we were able to apply for lines of credit while sitting on the couch?
Today would be a good day to make bread, but I don't really have anywhere to put it. Maybe I'll make pastry for Thanksgiving pie.
I'm starting to get concerned about some of the messages ltc is getting from her grandparents now that her language skills are improving. Not sure what I should do about it.
Just keep talking to her, I think.
Are they using specific words you don't like, sj, or is it more a message/tone issue? I feel like specific words are a lot easier to ask someone to not use (be they curse words or derogatory language). But tone and message are of course much harder.
Meara, both. I guess I really don't want to get into it with them. So is it okay just to reinforce in private that that is not what Mommy feels or language I find appropriate? I'm particular sensitive to gender normative and other such language at this moment in time and I'm worried eshe is going to start internalizing messages that I don't want her to internalize.
Not a parent, but I would say so. You'll be her primary influence for a few years yet.
Thanks, Jesse. Maybe I'm worrying too much.
I think you're right to make a point to counteract it, but you definitely can.
I think that children figure out pretty quick that people think and speak differently. More dramatically when they get in school. No question you are the dominant influence. When she wants clarification on differences she will ask you. Be answer mom.
Timelies all!
Home from the con. Another weird work week for me. (Tomorrow, a more or less full day. Tuesday, I'm taking off as I have a mammogram and a physical therapy session. Wednesday, full day unless they let us leave early because of the holiday. I took Friday off, as I usually do.)