Scheduling meetings is a special hell.
This morning I found a sock that had gone missing a month ago. Somehow it got tangled up with some velcro and was in a coat I hadn't worn in a while. Also, I need to go to the Post Office, and there literally is a Post Office across the street from the office I'm working in today.
It's not much in the positive column, but I'll take it.
I started packing today. I have four piles: take now (which must remain extremely small), save to hopefully ship later, give away, and toss. It's getting real. But at the same time I still live with my now ex husband and he still treats me like crap so my life is the same day to day. It's so bizarre.
Ugh, Callaluna, it's not like moving across the ocean needs anything to make it worse. Wishing you strength and "toss it" ~ma.
I got lunch today from one of those sushi "burrito" places (which is basically just making a sushi roll like normal, but then not slicing it into pieces), and it was really good. It's set up like Chipotle, in that you go along the assembly line and they custom-build what's in it, so (if you're me) you don't have to tolerate pieces of cucumber defiling your sushi. Tasty!
I've now worked in this mall for five months, and just went to PF Chang's for lunch for the first time today! Fried green beans are as delicious as ever, I am pleased to report.
Guys. I just realized the GOP is one state legislature away from being able to call a constitutional convention.
I fear they know this, Volans. So how is that whole Calexit thing going?
Rage fatigue is taking hold. Or maybe it is fear fatigue. My jaw hurts from clenching my teeth.
I keep reading things and I can't tell if they are true or not. I'm avoiding false new sites (as much as possible) but there is so much speculation it's hard to tell what is just wild speculation and what is legitmate speculation.
...what do you think they would do, volans? That had not even occurred to me as a concern?
I just suggested we might want to close the borders....of Massachusetts!
And then I was saying how great my Rep is, and my coworker started off saying, "Have you seen -- no reason why you would have --" and I was like, "The weekly newsletter? YES! LOVE THAT." Hee.