Yay Callaluna!
I know we post here, and we all have uses for Twitter and FB to varying degrees but I can't help that all the social media isn't...a good thing. And there's no going back.
Social media as FB/Twitter does it is toxic. There are uses for Twitter but it's a net negative and I don't know how we shift it.
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that social media is an arms race. A significant enough group of people see social media solely as something to be gamed and manipulated to their advantage, and they can never be stopped.
I kinda feel like that's true in real life, too.
There was an article in the paper in the past week about trolls who don't really have an emotional investment in what they're doing but are trolling people for "lulz" ... it was depressing.
Jesse, what's going on in regards to the march? I'm out of the loop on that drama, but I have friends who wanted to participate.
White organizers got called out for naming it "Million Women's March," so they changed it to "Women's March on Washington"..... I've only seen posts where someone says you've got to diversify/be intersectional/etc. and then White Feminists TM get het up and blah blah blah.
In better news: I used all the juices from cooking my ham in this split pea soup and left a LOT of meat on the bone and it is really quite delicious. The ingredients are just split peas, ham leavings, a few carrots I had lying around, and water.
The first episode of Galavant's second season is called "A New Season aka Suck It Cancellation Bear".
Two great songs in it, too. And Joshua Sasse bagged a pop star fiancee out of the "Off with His Shirt" number!
I know there are teachers here and am wondering if I might do anything here. A friend of S's in school (actually his BFF) is a behavior issue in class. He is a 7YO black male in 1st grade. The way they are handling it seems cruel to me and it is not making the situation better. They punish him by excluding him from events when he misbehaves (there was a Fun Run recently and this child wasn't there - missed it due to behavior issues)
Not a teacher, or a parent, but that punishment seems like it wouldn't be productive to me either. I do have several friends who are teachers of kids that age and I could pose your question to them as a hypothetical. If you wanted me to.
Wow, Sasse is only 28? He looks way older than 28.