Oh, GC. I've spent a good part of my time lately encouraging people to acknowledge and accept the reality and get to work to minimize whatever damage they can, especially for those who are most at risk during this administration. We can dissect and discuss a few months down the road when we'll have a much better perspective on the whole process.
Dissection, discussion, weebling right now is not so much processing as refusing to accept reality and deal with it, wasting time and ignoring the work that we need to do. I'm sorry you're having to deal with that.
I am being jumped on and told that my fears for people's lives (including my own) are secondary to dissecting why Trump won, I just...
Grrrrr just saw that thread.
How do we educate our white family and friends? It is on us to change this. I am so angry and furious that I know I'm not being productive in my conversations and I know I need to change that. I'm just trying to wrap my head around that when I see such selfishness and ignorance on my own side. I'm beginning to think we've really lost. This is it.
I want to leave Mac home with a frozen pizza and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and go over to spend two days with my parents.
Oh yeah, I know this feeling well. This year I actually am leaving them on Christmas! But they are 22 and 24, they can just deal.
lisah, jump in please, if you can.
I'm so disappointed, Glam. I'm sorry.
Congratulations, Callaluna!
I'm lucky in not having family nearby--or on FB. I wish those of you who do well. I do know that I've walked away from unproductive circular discussions and just gotten to work. A lot of time I'm not missed, some of the time I'm looked at like I'm crazy (so used to that), and some, rare times, I'm followed.
We do what we can.
Ugh I only see stuff my friends post or like there so I've been shielded from that content, GC.
I have missed the discussion for the reason above. Oh GC, I am so sorry you are encountering this ignorance and lack of compassion. I honestly do believe the younger generation is so much more enlightened. With 20 somethings and teens around me with the kids and the coaching I don't see the hatred and bigotry I see in the older generations. It keeps me hopeful when so much is so horrible.
I'm well and truly devastated. Those attitudes are all over Pantsuit Nation and it doesn't feel like a welcoming, supportive place at all for me anymore. I'm done.
I ran across this - possibly the best science job ever.
Warning - contains videos of rats (for those of you who have issues)
"It's the weirdest job ever, tickling rats professionally," animal physiologist Shimpei Ishiyama told Smithsonian magazine.
Sorry, Glam. I'm not on FB right now so I can't see the argument. Even if you didn't convince everyone, I'm sure there are people reading along and nodding their heads. There's Bitches for Hillary, which is explicitly feminist and aiming for intersectionality, but, um, it's not Sanders friendly because it started as a safe space from Bernie Bros.
That ad is cute but the song is giving a major sad right now.