elitist="you think you're smarter/better than us!"
"You voted for Trump! Damn right I'm thinking I'm smarter/better than you right now!"
Today I'm furious about the Republicans in Congress. They spent eight years white-anting the government institutions and conventions that underpin American democracy, and they got away with it. No, they got rewarded for it. There's enough to worry about in the impact of everything they did, but right now it's that
they got rewarded for it.
You guys! I got a phone screen for the higher ed job I applied to even though I thought I didn't qualify!!
Awesome Jesse! Kick some phone screen ass! And I hear women are less likely to apply for a job unless they meet all the qualifications. Whereas men will if they meet only some?
And I hear women are less likely to apply for a job unless they meet all the qualifications. Whereas men will if they meet only some?
Yeah, I've heard that, too. It's the kind of thing I definitely try to fight against.
I kind of want to fight every fight right now. Like, at work, we got a whole new policy about non-exempt staff, and the tiny paragraph about inclement weather was such actual bullshit, I'm going to bring it all the way to the top if I need to. Note that it was not discussed in the two-hour meeting about the policy.
I got a phone screen for the higher ed job I applied to even though I thought I didn't qualify!!
As pointed out by others, it's a good week to get a job you're not qualified for.
I kind of want to fight every fight right now.
Go, Jesse, go!
I tried to join the ACLU and my credit card was declined.