I don't think I am better, but I often feel smarter, or at least more informed.
I often feel smarter, but I've grown to be amazed how some people demonize intellect. I don't think I'm better for being smart, why do some think it's better not to be smart/informed?
Yours isn't Workman's Comp, Dana? Ouch.
If anyone is feeling like they cannot manage their family this holiday, my guest room is welcome. TX is still a red state, but my family is blue and welcoming.
why do some think it's better not to be smart/informed?
Because that makes you part of the great Common Man who made this country what it is! The stalwart pioneers who came to this land and carved a nation out of the wilderness!
And don't point out how many of our Founding Fathers had lots of higher education/book learning.
I have to detach myself from most social media and "news" tv. I just can't stay with it, it's making me too angry and bitter.
That's not out of pocket, is it, Dana? Yikes.
Yep, out of pocket. I have a $1000 deductible and had only put about $60 towards it. Because copays for doctors and prescriptions don't count towards the deductible.
And no, not workman's comp. My doctor/surgeon is actually pretty insistent that it's a genetic thing, rather than a repetitive stress injury. You're just born with a carpal tunnel of a certain size, and it may end up being too small. Which means he thinks I'll need to do the left hand at some point in the future.
I have to detach myself from most social media and "news" tv.
Hubs turned off the news last night because I kept yelling at the TV. (We have a DVR. I assume he watched the rest later.)
I want to be the person who does the latter, but I don't think I've got it in me.
I want to do more than just signal boost other voices and link to good causes to donate to. But I don't know if I have the energy or emotional fortitude.
I just installed an extension to block me from going to FB on my work computer. Does that make me more or less of an adult?
I'm going to the movies tomorrow, I'm seeing Arrival with amyth!!!
I can't wait! This has improved my mood by a huge amount.