Yesterday my own pain and rage was so high that I couldn't really deal with anyone else. today I can see everyone again
I working on my plans
bizzarely, my plan to try to be more informed and pay more attention was discouraged as too hard
so strange
Students are walking out here in protest, which I totally support. But yet, it's the students who are currently failing my class. Sigh.
is it me or is the word elitist being tied to the democrats and their supporters all day today?
seems a little upside down
elitist="you think you're smarter/better than us!"
elitist="you think you're smarter/better than us!"
I don't think I am better, but I often feel smarter, or at least more informed.
Calling Teppy. I have a stupid med question. The Lasik doc gave me a prescription for 2 diazapam. Apparently I take one before the surgery and the second, I guess, is in case that doesn't calm me enough. I have lorazepam for my anxiety issues. Can I mix the two? Like take a Lorazapam in the morning, when I wake up and then the diazapam for the laser in my eyeball? Or would that be too much of the same thing? I'm not driving, my best friend is helping me out with that.
Ugh on the carpal tunnel cost, Dana.
This really feels like 2000 all over again, minus the hanging chads.
I want to be the person who does the latter, but I don't think I've got it in me.
Yeah, me too. I was already feeling bad because I haven't been doing a lot, and I feel like there's more need but I am not more able. So I don't know how to resolve that.
That's not out of pocket, is it, Dana? Yikes.
I don't think I am better, but I often feel smarter, or at least more informed.
I often feel smarter, but I've grown to be amazed how some people demonize intellect. I don't think I'm better for being smart, why do some think it's better not to be smart/informed?
Yours isn't Workman's Comp, Dana? Ouch.