Hooray for good news. That's a lot of stress to release at once.
Yeah, that's a crapton of stress to release all at once. Can you set a timer and cry for like 10 minutes and then get back to work?
And also, hooray!
(I never did drink a beer, but I hung up the flag bunting on the porch. We are politically festive now.)
And they're arguing about prioritization of issues for the rest of the release schedule, when they ought to know full well there's a 98% chance the schedule will slip. Grr.
I'm glad the news was good, Zen.
Thanks, y'all. We're about to find out if work and hard cider are compatible.
Timelies all!
Home now. I have a one day work week this week. I go in tomorrow, but Wed. and Thursday I have late morning appointments, and decided to not bother trying to go in after that. Friday is a holiday.
I was just reminded that Friday is a holiday here, too! I think I might not tell my mother so I can go to a noon movie instead of to see my father.
...my ambitions have gotten very small.
Not a holiday here. At least, not the day off from work kind.
I can remember when Election Day was a holiday ... at least, I remember school being closed, but that may have been because the schools were polling places. Luckily, Friday IS a holiday here.