I was listening to Jordan Peele on Fresh Air this morning, and he calls Get Out a "social thriller" (as opposed to a psychological thriller, I think), not a horror movie. Vindication!!
(Also I realized that I think if it were a horror movie, the last bit would have taken an hour.)
I was just listening to that interview!
I saw a free preview of Gifted last night. If you're planning to see the movie because a) Chris Evans b) with a child c) occasionally flaunting his biceps, you will not be disappointed.
I thought it was good, and exactly what it wanted to be and no more. For example, this is a role that Octavia Spencer can play in her sleep.
I am sure I will die when I see it. Die from Ovary Explosion.
OK, but what if you're sad about Chris Evans and Jenny Slate breaking up IRL?
This will probably not help you be less sad.
I can probably get past that....
Scruffy Chris Evans usually puts me in a good mood regardless of the tone of the story.