This conversation makes me realize I really need to write up the rest of my Horror series.
One thing that was interesting to see was how the subject of "horror" films changed over time between the 1930s and the 1960s, moving from actual monsters (either man-made or supernatural breaches of nature) to more nebulous, psychological ones (very few serial killers prior to the 1960s for example). In one sense, this shift makes it hard to identify what horror is because those films don't really seem scary now (at least to me, YSMV).
I think the best definition I found that encapsulates both classic horror and today's horror (vs thriller) is "the intrusion of an evil force or event into the everyday world." They both have suspense in that things aren't exactly what they seem/you don't exactly know what's going to happen, but one is more fear-based. Sort of true evil vs. everyday/realistic evil (criminals, shadowy governments and the like).
Maybe I thought Get Out was too realistic to be proper horror.
We saw Beauty and The Beast tonight and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The controversial aspect was
way blown out of proportion.
There is
no gay kiss,
it is just
a moment or two
that would
go over most kids heads.
But really, if you have seen the animated version
LaFou is a total Gaston fanboy to begin with.
In the live action, they just
turn it up a couple of notches
I can't believe Kong is getting decent reviews. I thought it was terrible. Badly written, badly directed, badly edited, and in some cases badly acted.
Oh, my. I just got back from Kong and was coming to the board to say how much I loved it. The nods to
Apocalypse Now, The Land Before Time, and all the early Godzilla movies were great.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Hiddleston throughout. And, after watching her in this, I'm warming toward Brie Larson as Captain Marvel.
Heh. I thought it was a waste of Brie Larson. No accounting for taste, I guess.
I was listening to Jordan Peele on Fresh Air this morning, and he calls Get Out a "social thriller" (as opposed to a psychological thriller, I think), not a horror movie. Vindication!!
(Also I realized that I think if it were a horror movie, the last bit would have taken an hour.)
I was just listening to that interview!
I saw a free preview of Gifted last night. If you're planning to see the movie because a) Chris Evans b) with a child c) occasionally flaunting his biceps, you will not be disappointed.
I thought it was good, and exactly what it wanted to be and no more. For example, this is a role that Octavia Spencer can play in her sleep.