The Lego Batman Movie Is the Brokeback Batman We've Always Wanted
At one point in the movie, Batman and the Joker are just staring at each other, painted-on Lego eyes intensely locked. A kid in the front of the theater screamed out, "Just tell him!!!" to the muffled laughter of the entire audience.
I mostly enjoyed John Wick 2, except that the filmmakers' concepts of NYC geography kept pulling me out of the film.
I mostly enjoyed John Wick 2, except that the filmmakers' concepts of NYC geography kept pulling me out of the film.
Oh good, not just me then. I mean, it's been a while, but I didn't think I had been away that long.
I mostly enjoyed John Wick 2, except that the filmmakers' concepts of NYC geography kept pulling me out of the film.
A co-worker of mine was talking about it today, and specifically mentioned a scene where the characters are clearly in the WTC PATH station, but the loudspeaker announces the next arriving C train.
At one point, the announcement says "Now arriving, Wall Street", when you can see the Grove St. Station PATH signs.
I ignore all of this! It is a fantasy version of NYC where all the trains arrive exactly when they should and the streets don't smell of urine and garbage!
And there are trained assassins EVERYWHERE.
Well, that part's true, you know.
It was the Rector, Canal, Wall trajectory that threw me.
A much smaller audience of complaint, but I've watched Breaking Away in Bloomington, IN and people laugh out loud at some of the geography.
Ditto watching The Graduate with a Bay Area audience when Benjamin drives on the top of the Bay Bridge on his way to Berkeley. (Going east you're on the bottom span of the two tier bridge.)
It can definitely throw you out.