Mal: Which one you figure tracked us? Zoe: The ugly one, sir. Mal: Could you be more specific?

'Out Of Gas'

Buffista Movies Across the 8th Dimension!

A place to talk about movies--old and new, good and bad, high art and high cheese. It's the place to place your kittens on the award winners, gossip about upcoming fims and discuss DVD releases and extras. Spoiler policy: White font all plot-related discussion until a movie's been in wide release two weeks, and keep the major HSQ in white font until two weeks after the video/DVD release.

DavidS - May 14, 2021 12:03:55 pm PDT #3007 of 3382
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

This description was dead on, Hec.


Jessica - May 19, 2021 8:26:13 am PDT #3008 of 3382
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

Just popping in to wish everyone a happy belated 'Wait, THAT'S the plot of Dear Evan Hansen?? Day'

DebetEsse - May 19, 2021 1:35:33 pm PDT #3009 of 3382
Woe to the fucking wicked.

I approve of this holiday. Maybe we can generalize it to "OMGWTFMusicals?! Day" and just change the specific observance by year?

Toddson - May 19, 2021 1:57:48 pm PDT #3010 of 3382
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

Am I the last person to know that Spielberg is remaking West Side Story?

Beverly - May 19, 2021 5:49:48 pm PDT #3011 of 3382
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

Nooooooooo! (I'll probably watch it)

Matt the Bruins fan - May 19, 2021 10:32:07 pm PDT #3012 of 3382
"You should never say bad things about the dead, only good… Joan Crawford is dead. Good.” —Bette Davis

Well, we know he has the Sharks covered...

Jessica - May 20, 2021 7:51:34 am PDT #3013 of 3382
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

I approve of this holiday. Maybe we can generalize it to "OMGWTFMusicals?! Day" and just change the specific observance by year?

I would 100% celebrate this every year, but I do feel like DEH has an unusually high OMGWTF factor.

Well, we know he has the Sharks covered...


-t - May 20, 2021 10:51:34 am PDT #3014 of 3382
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Good one, Matt! I was stuck in a loop of "but why?" and that made me laugh

Sophia Brooks - May 21, 2021 12:26:05 am PDT #3015 of 3382
Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here

I seriously don’t understand the confusion about the Evan Hanson plot. I only know the one song, but I still know the plot. Then I realized that the theatre world is really small.

Consuela - May 21, 2021 7:13:10 pm PDT #3016 of 3382
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

I love the music, but the actual plot of DEH makes me cringe.