Cindy - the IMdb you linked to was the movie I was thinking of.
edited to add:
I enjoyed Bram Stoker's Dracula - it was a little crazy, but lush. A friend sort of wrinkled her nose at it and called it soft-core pron ... and I don't really see a problem with that.
The Dracula movie is inextricably linked to Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love" video in my head. ETA: Which then segue's to Bonnie Tyler's "I Need A Hero," and then to Weird Al Yankovich, in some way...
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Soooo pretty. Soooo ridiculous.
Venom is a twisted Rom-Com.
Venom is slash fic .
Venom isn't really what you'd call a "good" movie, but it's an unexpectedly delicious morsel of gay ambiguously-male-coded relationship comedy
Well, that actually increases my desire to see it.
Let's hear it for Tom Hardy, the man who launched Inception fandom.
This is the most interested I've ever been in seeing Venom
I saw a photo of Tom Hardy on the red carpet for the opening of Venom. He was making friends with Security ... a golden retriever. It seemed to be love at first - deep - sight.
Are you sure it wasn't really Chris Evans?
(ETA the retriever, that is. I'm sure Toddson can distinguish between a Chris and a Tom)
May have been ... but a bit shorter and the puppy dog eyes were brown.