Went and saw A Quiet Place tonight. Good stuff. Several jump scares if you are one who does not like that, but mostly it is anticipatory scary.
I did not understand one thing
what started the water that flooded their soundproof space?
I think it was really well done. Lots of it with no music, only background noise to the scene. Not a ton of explanation which I think works.
FINALLY, the next Bill and Ted sequel we've all been waiting for: [link]
I saw Solo this afternoon.
I liked it. It wasn't mind-blowingly good (i.e., it wasn't Black Panther), but it was a fun two hours. There was a strong film noir feel to several plot points, which I enjoyed. The actors playing Han and Lando were plausible. Seeing how Han and Chewie met was fun, and seeing the Millenium Falcon all shiny and new was also kinda nifty.
So if you have a spare afternoon or evening and $10 (depending on location) you could do worse.
I agree. While there is quite a lot of box-ticking about it, Solo is still a good way to spend some time, better than some of the reviews are suggesting. Mainly because of the actors (though admittedly I'm still a little bit in love with Alden Ehrenreich after Hail, Caesar!).
Huh - I was really disappointed in Solo, and I don't think I had very high expectations. I think the actors did their best with the material they were given, but to me it was really obvious that half the movie was scrapped and reshot. (Emilia Clarke's character in particular,
I feel like they didn't decide on a direction for her until very late in the game, so from scene to scene she was playing it one way or the other but without a consistent throughline.)
I'd rather see a movie about Lando and his droid co-pilot. Or about Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson.
And did I just hear that a character was re-cast from Michael K. Williams to Paul Bettany? That sounds like a downgrade.
Solo had an awful lot of
fridging of females for manpain.
I would have had no problem with Woody Harrelson's character
trading places with Thandie Newton's.
That said, it's a fun heist movie--I do enjoy a good caper. Donald Glover was as brilliant as I expected, and Ehrenreich did a pretty good Young Harrison Ford impression.
I enjoyed it. It was not great, but I had a good time.
Yeah, I found it formulaic, but fun.
I've been living under a rock, because I just learned today that Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer are filming a new Top Gun movie.
If it's not about Maverick and Iceman spending 30+ years of domestic bliss together after the events of the first movie, I'm going to be really disappointed.