I hated Magnolia so much that I haven't been willing to watch any other PTA movies, even though I heard good stuff about Boogie Nights, Punch Drunk Love, and There Will Be Blood. (Because I also heard good stuff about Magnolia, and that was a goddamn lie.)
They seemed to have a lot of awful people being awful, and nothing much to make up for it
Because basically this. Ugh.
(To be fair, I also seem to be lacking the gene to appreciate Wes Anderson movies -- maybe it's just an Anderson thing across the board? -- but I didn't *loathe* Rushmore or The Royal Tenenbaums; I just didn't really get the point of them.) (Apparently I am meant to stick to superhero movies.)
For what it's worth, I found watching (parts of) earlier Wes Anderson movies painful, but was delighted by
The Grand Budapest Hotel.
PTA movies tend to enrage me on first viewing and then 48 hours later I realize I love them. So far The Master, There Will Be Blood, and Magnolia have all followed that pattern.
I was like, "I need help to reacting to something" during the entirety of Magnolia, but I freakin' LOVED the singalong part to "Wise Up." In fact, I was obsessed with the soundtrack for a good couple of years after the movie came out -- I mean, it's basically an Aimee Mann album, and a great one at that. I remember having quite a few maudlin crying session to "Save Me." *cracks up* *pets young(ish) Vonnie on the head*
For what it's worth, I found watching (parts of) earlier Wes Anderson movies painful, but was delighted by The Grand Budapest Hotel.
YES. The Grand Budapest Hotel is my favourite Wes Anderson movie by a long mile. Ralph Fiennes is utterly brilliant in it and obviously should do more comedy.
Speaking of Wes Anderson, I am both buh? and intrigued about Isle of Dog, the trailer for which played before I, Tonya: [link]
I got the Isle of Dog trailer at The Shdpe of Water. I am sort of middlen on Wes Anderson. I remember liking Rushmore, but that might have been I felt like I was supposed to like it. I hated Royal Tenenbaums and kinda decided based on reaction and visuals to the next few movies that maybe he was just too twee or purposefully askew or something for me. I liked Fantastic Mr Fox though and that's the only other one of his I've watched.
I disliked
Boogie Nights
and I don't even know why. It was just... kinda dull.
ion, did anyone else ever see
The Accountant
? I watched it last night. How come I didn't know the guy was autistic? That was never mentioned in any trailers, that I recall.
Wes Anderson superfan, so they're all jake with me.
Nobody is particularly awful in Punch Drunk Love, and it's easily one of Sandler's best performances and roles. Philip Seymour Hoffman is pretty great in it too (though his character is awful). It's very different from other PTA movies. Much smaller in scale.
I am Tep wrt Wes Anderson. I do kinda want to see the Fox one, and y'all are making a good case for Budapest.
ion, did anyone else ever see The Accountant ? I watched it last night. How come I didn't know the guy was autistic? That was never mentioned in any trailers, that I recall.
I had zero interest in seeing that movie, but I picked up that the character was on the autism spectrum from somewhere.