Maybe I've always been here.

Early ,'Objects In Space'

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2015: Goodnight moon  

Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering.

Go away, 2015.

Shir - Dec 09, 2015 10:50:15 am PST #74 of 251
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

I'm very happy to read the good business news, ND. Congratulations!

(And echoing Dana: yes, please post good news).

amyth - Dec 09, 2015 11:01:53 am PST #75 of 251
And none of us deserving the cruelty or the grace -- Leonard Cohen

I agree. So great to hear good news.

Congratulations, ND. It's wonderful to see all of your hard work pay off in such terrific ways.

SA, I'm so glad to hear your news of healing and academic success as well. I love seeing you around here.

Anne, that picture is amazingly cute. Hooray, kitties!!

Polter-Cow - Dec 09, 2015 12:32:31 pm PST #76 of 251
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

That is awesome news, ND.

I'm also in the "Uh, I had a pretty good year" boat, so if people want good news, I have it! Uh, but not now, I just spent all day writing a blog post about Courtney Milan's romance novels.

Zenkitty - Dec 09, 2015 1:32:10 pm PST #77 of 251
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

I definitely want to hear everyone's good news! ND and Calli, that's all fantastic and you both 1000% deserve your happiness and success!

esse - Dec 09, 2015 1:37:19 pm PST #78 of 251
S to the A -- using they/them pronouns!

hearts to amyth!

Congrats, ND, that's a huge accomplishment, well earned.

SuziQ - Dec 09, 2015 2:31:24 pm PST #79 of 251
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

Thank you, Secret Santa! I got a package today that I assumed was the Jilli's color books so I let CJ open the envelope. was 4 very pretty palm tree prints. Now I get to find where I want to display them. I think I know how I want to frame them. Thank you!!!

Calli - Dec 09, 2015 2:43:42 pm PST #80 of 251
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

That's great, ND! And thanks, SA! I'm glad your new training looks promising!

meara - Dec 09, 2015 4:34:07 pm PST #81 of 251

I want to hear people's good news! It won't balance, but it will help.

Atropa - Dec 09, 2015 5:42:44 pm PST #82 of 251
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

I want to hear people's good news!

ND, congrats!

WindSparrow - Dec 09, 2015 5:57:40 pm PST #83 of 251
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

I'm glad for good news. I need it.