I have been loving the brotherly love story of Finn and Eddie since you first told it -- literally ever since; it's one of my go-to smile and feel my heart lighten stories that I've kept in a side pocket of my brain for easy access whenever the world starts to crush me. I start to get wrecked; I pull Finn and Eddie out, unfold them, smooth out the creases, and my heart unclenches; I fold them up again very carefully and tuck them back into that pocket for safekeeping.
'The Girl in Question'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2015: Goodnight moon
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering.
Go away, 2015.
Laura, I didn’t know that! I’d love to chat with you a little more about your experience.
Anytime, of course. Profile addy good. The short version is that DH and I met in college and both got Accounting BS degrees. When we graduated I convinced him that what he really wanted to do was open a computer store with me instead of doing accounting. In 1987 accounting was all people did with computers and the background helped with doing business with business managers and owners. Also, it gave us a confidence we might not have had otherwise. So although we didn't do accounting for other people it was a great foundation for a business future. And since we are still in business and still married all these years later it worked out.
Thank you, everyone!
JZ, I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. When things are stress at work, I'll sneak a peek at a picture of my cuddleboys, and it really does help.
Anne, have you read the Jenny and the Cat Club stories by Esther Averill? Your boys remind me of Edward Brandywine and Checkers.
No, I haven't read those! Thank you for the recommendation!
This year has been very arc-like for me. It started pretty low--ita's death was awful and months of unemployment had left me pretty unhappy.
Then in April I landed a job doing pretty much what I wanted to do, at a top notch university. Since I started I've gotten a completely unexpected raise (only 3%, but it beats a kick in the pants). I've learned that my coworkers are smart, fun, interesting people who respect my skills and work. I'm learning tons of new things, getting back on top of my unemployment-induced budget issues, and looking forward to what next year might bring.
And now I'm sad that Ginger won't be able to look forward to that, too.
Work aside, there are so many fascinating, scary, promising, worrisome, interesting things coming up. The whole election thing has me tired already, but I love the thought that Sanders is becoming such a prominent voice. I'm going to work on a visual perception course over the next month or so, and I can't wait to learn more about that. I'm looking forward to my niece's wedding in the spring, to reading more with fewer headaches now that I'm given in and gotten bifocals, to a new Star Wars movie, to a day trip for shopping and pirogies with my buds, to new books my favorite authors have scheduled over the next few months, and to so much more. But I'm also worried about rising xenophobia in the US, about climate change and (I hope I'm wrong) the unlikeliness of the Paris conference achieving anything, about gun violence, about the odds of my middle aged body developing major problems, and about my friends who are still dealing with cancer. It's a mix. I guess it can't all be fandom and Penzey's spice shop visits with the buds, but I'm hoping the good will outweigh the bad--for me and for all of you.
Calli! I'm so glad the job has gone so well for you.
This year looks to have started and ended on really hard notes for our little community with losing ita and then Ginger. I'm hurting from both of them.
I was hesitant about posting because so many folks are having a hard time, but I think it might be good for some good news. This year has actually been quite good for me.
As of a few days ago, my little sole proprietor ship is now a corporation. The stamped articles came back earlier this week. I've gone from one full time employee to five full timers in the past six months. I've been lucky enough to hire a team of people that I've worked with for year and that I've always wanted to have as my full time team, and now I have it. I still can't believe it.
Halloween Horror Nights was as big as ever for us. On top of that we picked up a year round contract handling the sound for the large outdoor stage on Citywalk, which has meant a lot of mixing and concerts for my team, and they've been doing amazing.
Then we picked up a very large installation in Beverly Hills for the Holiday display, and it looks like we are going to have some projects in Las Vegas and probably one in Paris in 2016. Once I can say what they are you'll be able to see how cool that is.
All of this means that I've been even busier than normal, which has been the downside, but I am hopeful that with all the added staff that this will start to change.
Right now I'm hunting for new office space and it looks like my company is finally going to graduate from being run out of the back house on our property.
On other fronts I've been teaching classes at three major universities, and a junior college here in LA and that's been very rewarding. It's amazing to be working with and teaching some of the best graduate students in sound design in the country.
There have been lots of things to worry about as well, and my mom is still in very poor health as she has been for years now, and it's been very stressful at times for Pix and I with all the growth the business has gone through, but I'm choosing to concentrate on the good.
So yeah, I was unsure about posting, but I hope it helps to have a little balance for our wonderful little group.
Please, everyone post your good news. I sure need to hear positive things, and I'm always happy when something good happens in your lives.
Wow, ND, that's pretty great!