Oh, no worries, the ride from 19th was all of one stop longer and the station was not so sketchy as all that. And I have made it safely home and fed all the critters so they will not eat my head while I sleep, so all is well. Waking up in the morning will, I predict, not be fun, but that's okay.
Flooring! How exciting!
In the hopes that if I whine about it here, it will go away. I can't sleep thanks to an upset tummy. I'm so tired but it keeps flipping on me.
Thanks for the birthday happies, everybody. It was amazing.
I don't know if I want to go to work, today. I' feeling all satisfied with blueberry muffin oatmeal with fresh blueberries ontop and a tea that is a combo of strawberry/blueberry. It's a blueberry explosion and I just want to bask in it.
Mmm, that sounds nice, Sail.
Glad to hear it, Kiba!
I am awake and en route to work because I have meetings from 7:30am to 4:30pm and then a team dinner.
That's a long day. I have dinner with coworkers tonight, but it's honestly just us getting together and not a work thing.
It's my nephew's birthday today. I haven't gotten him anything and I am not entirely sure how old he is. 19? 20? When was he born? Aunt fail.
Grandboss was appalled I don't have a favorite Minion. I've only ever seen the parts of Despicable Me that were on during a brunch at juliana's, and Matilda wasn't explaining that movie to me the way she did Twisted, so I didn't catch much. I may have homework.
Dang. Nephew is 21. That totally snuck up on me.
I don't have a favorite Minion either. They kind of all blend together for me, but I haven't seen the new movie.