Ugh, sorry, Gud.
I am settling in to my new office, which seems OK, except I don't have an extra drawer for my shoes. Also the desk back is solid, so I can't stretch out my legs, which I hate. Actually -- I'm alone in here for the moment, so maybe I can swap desks around. I like my spot, just not the physical desk. Edit: Nope, they are all like this. Hate! I liked my old table.
Did, in fact, dash home. Confused the dog, but I feel much better.
I have successfully made baba ghanoush! It was super delicious. I could eat it all summer. I feel like I deserve some sort of sticker, like Adventurous Cook! or maybe It's About Time You Learned, Sweetheart!
You're a better cook than I. I tried making baba ghanoush from scratch years ago and after hours of work and about $30 in supplies I ended up with one bowl of almost tasteless dip.
I've never been able to recreate the good smokiness of the baba ghanoush that I can get from the good Middle Eastern restaurants here.
So far my birthday has been all about cleaning the bathrooms. I may be doing this wrong.
That does not sound optimal, Zen.
Dear salesperson, if you are going to ask me to do something today that I asked you yesterday if I should do, maybe acknowledge that we just freaking discussed it? Would cut down on my throat-punching urges.
Someone around here has food that smells like tacos. Did I bring tacos for lunch? No. Damn them.
I am so sorry, Sara. That is a lousy welcome home. I'm glad you were able to take today to recover.
-t, I'd do the same thing. It would bug me for the entire day, to the exclusion of being able to do anything else.
Happy birthday, Zen! It can only get better from this point, because cleaning the bathrooms definitely does suck.
Now I want tacos.
Happy Birthday, Zen and Kiba! May it hold something more festive than cleaning bathrooms.
Sounds like a very good call, taking the day, sara.
Happy birthday to Zen and Kiba!
Baba ghanoush was fairly simple, provided you have a food processor and a grill or oven of some sort. I roasted the eggplant whole. My oven has a grill, so I used that. Turn it a few times and roast it until the skin is black, so you get a nice smoky flavor. Let it cool a bit, then peeled it and plunked it in the food processor with a whole lot of garlic and about 1/4 cup of tahini. (I used TJs tahini from the refrigerator case.) When that was all mixed smooth I added lemon juice and salt and gave it another zip in the processor. And that was it. I added a bit of olive oil when I served it, but it tastes good even without it.