Maria, I totally thought of you! We are trying to find a place to stay in DC. One of the places we saw was in Brookland. I mean, it's been years since I've lived in DC, but I was like, "wait! all the way out there?!" I mean, it's by Catholic, right?
Anyway we ended up looking at places in LeDroit Park. When I still lived in DC that area was extreme sketch, but I guess it's all gentrified now. Weird.
shrift, you've seen this right: [link]
shrift, you've seen this right:
Not that particular article, but things along those lines and now I want to set things on fire.
I have never heard of a renter's resume before. Yikes! Maybe don't mention wanting to set things on fire on it? Just a hunch.
I do not know how to feel about the Honda commercial with the family singing Weezer.
-t, it's just that our music is now classic rock?
Also, shrift, USF has a renter's resume template if that's helpful.
I guess, Kat. Weezer being in an ad is somehow stranger to me than, like, Push It.
So I got my water bill today. I hadn't thought to check my water usage: I used an average of 12 gallons per day over the last quarter. Which is ... very little. Wish I got a discount on my rates for that!
Well done!
Gah, I am having trouble winding down and going to sleep because I am all keyed up from finding an app that will link my pantry inventory with my recipes and meal plan and shopping list. WTH, self?
Renter's resume sounds onerous. Who thought that was a good idea?! Just meet the dang applicants in person.