Ooh, that one looks like it was close to you! Yikes.
Man, when I woke up at 4:30 I felt well-rested and ready for the day. Now that I am at work I would pay a substantial fee to go to sleep.
Also, it is funny to me that the part of my body that is bothering me (most of my muscles are sore, but pleasantly so, you know?) is my shoulder. What did I do to you, shoulder? All I can figure is more driving than I am used to.
OK. Coffee.
Boo Earthquake.
Man, when I woke up at 4:30 I felt well-rested and ready for the day. Now that I am at work I would pay a substantial fee to go to sleep.
I feel the same, but I woke up at 3:00 am.
Yeah, my Twitter feed says it was on the Hayward fault, which is a quarter mile from my sister's house.
Wasn't bad, just a sharp shock and rumble. Nothing fell down, the dog wasn't scared.
Yeah, I felt that one.
Things I need to learn how to say politely, "Do you know how early I need to get up to make an 8am meeting for which you've provided no purpose or agenda, asshole?"
That's good.
ETA: not the purposeless meeting.
Somebody apparently did feel it out here, but not me.
I am not prepared to Monday.
I am 1-1/2 hours into certification testing for our main software. The 1st and 2nd waves are 16 hours. I'm hoping to not have to go into 3rd wave. So listening on conference in muted mode and just popping in from time to time when needed. Mostly it is other people doing stuff.
At this point I think I will have plenty of time for internet and even watching soap operas!
I am SUPER not prepared to Monday. Also, my coffee seems to be broken. It is functioning as a liquid, but not as a caffeine delivery system. I need to: (1) sleep more, and (2) once I wake up, read books in the a/c all day.
However, what I need more than those 2 things is an ongoing income, so I am editing despite the fact that I seem to only have 3 functioning brain cells today.