That will be very fun! Eta: and I should put it on my calendar right now because I have already forgotten when we are doing that...
I am actually okay with tomato juice (given enough spices) and sauces. Maybe cold tomato soup with mozzarella balls and basil would do for me? Today I have none of those things, of course.
Hahahahaha the other 5k I'm already signed up for that I thought was in September is also in October. Not the same weekend, though, I'm sure it'll be fine. Also in San Jose, oddly enough.
I'm watching Jon Stewart's last episode. After this, I should do something productive that doesn't involve moving since it's 84 in my apartment. Paying bills it is.
I finally watched that today, too! And mostly it made me miss Colbert. I wonder if I'll actually watch his show? I haven't watched a network late-night show in years, beyond clips online.
I will definitely watch both Late Night with Colbert and Daily Show with Trevor Noah, because Colbert is awesome and Trevor Noah is really funny. But if I don't get into them after a few episodes, I won't feel any obligation to keep watching.
My prediction for me: Late night with Colbert will end up being something I record every day, but after a while only watch if I like the guests.
We went to see a friend in a small local production of Richard III last night. He played the lead and was quite good, but aside from two or three performers, the rest of the large cast was TERRIBLE. It was hard to watch. The actress playing Lady Anne was awful, and the Richard/Anne scene is so subtle and delicious--it broke my Shakespearean-loving heart to see it directed and acted so woodenly.
At least our friend was good and we were able to honestly tell him how good he was.
I made the Swan Coach House Tomato Basil Soup [link] yesterday because I had the basil, and it was also good cold today.
It is so painful to watch bad Shakespeare, and I feel bad at small productions because I have trouble controlling my face.
My mother didn't tell me she had diverticulitis (diag Thursday) until I called tonight. Stinkeye.
Marked for later, Ginger.
FTR, I am still awake. I got hungry and didn't finish cooking dinner until, well, now. At least it is a comfortable temperature in my house now, that's pleasant. And dinner is quite tasty.